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Rakkineet vuoteen 2015

Lähetetty: 22 Tammi 2017, 11:09
Kirjoittaja Pastori

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Re: Rakkineet vuoteen 2015

Lähetetty: 17 Touko 2017, 22:05
Kirjoittaja janx

Tähän viestiin voisin loogisesti jatkaa, kun rupesin pohtimaan näiden rakkineiden kuljettajan sallittuja mittoja.
Laittakaa muutkin vastaavalla tavalla, jos löydätte näitä tietoja. Löysin pikaisesti ainakin:

Go-One: The Go-One³ is designed for “normal” body sizes. That means, persons between 160cm and 190cm height, assuming normal proportions, fit into the Go-One without any problems. Taller persons may fit as well, thsi depends on the proportions. Long legs and a shorter torso are of advantage then. You can simply measure whether you fit: Sit down with your back to a wall and measure from the floor to the highest point of your head. Up to a measured distance of 95cm you will get in. At values above, the Hard-Softtop will not close correctly. The Evolution offers sufficient space for even taller riders. The payload is 90kg in standard build, further loads require modifications of the struts and maybe additional reinforcements.

Alleweder A6: Maximum height is 195 cm and the maximum weight is 95 kg. Very broad shoulders restrict the maximum lenght as that means
that the seat can not be put in the backmost positions. (the cockpit opening gets narrower towards the back. When foreseen during the building process, it is possible to make the opening a bit wider, so the seat can be moved back a bit further without the shoulders getting in the way.)

Arcus: Jos pohjana on ICE Adventure (trike), jonka (Rider weight limit (125kg)), niin kate vähentää tuosta noin 14kg. Joten voidaan laskennallisesti määritellä, että 111kg on silloin kuljettajan maksimipaino. (ajou ottanee tähän kantaa. Minä en virallisesti "saisi" Arcuksella ajaa :P). Puolavanteet muuttavat maksimirajoitusta?
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Milan ja Milan SL: 120kg (optional reinforcements), 155-187cm
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