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(Noja)Pyöräily tottumukset

Nojapyörällä kesät talvet


Nojapyörällä kesät, talvet pystypyörällä


Nojapyörällä kesät, talvella en pyöräile


Pyörä fiiliksen, eikä vuodenajan mukaan

Ääniä yhteensä: 114

Viestit: 17778
Liittynyt: 09 Touko 2009, 21:22
Paikkakunta: Imatra

Re: Talvipyöräily

Viesti Kirjoittaja PW »

Pastori kirjoitti:
PW kirjoitti:

Talvi tuli tänne Kaakkoonkin, lunta tuprutti eilisen. Tänään läskillä liikkeelle, pyörätiet oli putsattu, risteyksissä kuitenkin valleja ja paikoin paksuhko pohja pehmennyt. Pehmeässä sohjossa kulkeneilla pyörillä ollut selvästi vaikeuksia, renkaan jäljistä päätellen. Läski kuitenkin kulki läpi vallien ja yli sohjon - rentoa on meno nojakilla talvellakin, kuin kesällä konsaan 8) tykkään :mrgreen:

Joko kävit museossa?

Jos huomenna yrittäs, taiteen äärelle.


Nojapyöräfoorumi toimii hyvin, aina saa vastauksen vaikkei kysyiskään mitään.

Viestit: 17778
Liittynyt: 09 Touko 2009, 21:22
Paikkakunta: Imatra

Re: Talvipyöräily

Viesti Kirjoittaja PW »

terppa kirjoitti:

Lahdessa on jollain keskustan pyöräväylillä kokeilu talvihoidosta harjasuolaustyylillä.

Kahden päivän perusteella aika loistava. Tänään aamulla oli paikoin liukasta kun penkan sulamisvedet oli jäätyneet mutta kotiinpäin oli taas kuin kesäkeli. n. 3 km tätä on mahdollisuus ajaa työmatkalla.

Vähenee ensivuonna pyöräilyt jos/kun alan pitämään työautoa kotipihassa, 30 km vähemmän työauton mittariin/päivä. Ehkä pitää taas ruveta polkemaan huvikseen :?

Kuka sitä nyt huvikseen? ;)


Nojapyöräfoorumi toimii hyvin, aina saa vastauksen vaikkei kysyiskään mitään.

Viestit: 10
Liittynyt: 16 Loka 2020, 01:57

First experience winter riding with the P38

Viesti Kirjoittaja oivavoi »

Hello again, Finnish friends.

As promised I am here to report back on my first winter biking experience. We didn't really get any snow in Oslo until now, so in December I just rode with regular on studded tires on the tarmac. But now: A little bit of snow, at least!

My experience after some rides with studded tires on the Lightning P-38 is that it works fine for two kinds of conditions: Tarmac where the snow has been cleared (through salting or lots of cars), or on really smooth and flat hard-packed snow. But it does not work very well for slush, or when the hard-packed snow becomes uneven and full of small obstacles. I can get by in most conditions as long as I slow down and ride carefully. But I'm not comfortable riding at speed, unless it's tarmac without much snow. It's also a much rougher ride in the winter, as the hard-packed snow is bumpy, and that the municipality has spread lots of tiny stones all over so that pedestrians won't fall.

The problem seems to me to be that
a) the front wheel is too small
b) Both the front and rear tires are too narrow, but in particular at the front (I have them at the maximum now)
c) The bike is too rear-heavy
d) I really miss suspension both front and back (now I only have front suspension)

So: I have decided that I need to get a full suspension recumbent with large wheels front and back. Will use it for winter recumbent riding, and for gravel riding / very light off-road.

The question then is which bike to get... As far as I can tell there are four possible alternatives:
a) azub max
b) specbike extrim
c) flux s-max
d) rinzler touring pro

The first two have users here, and I think I know a bit about them. The flux s-max has some users in Germany - advantage is somewhat lower weight, and I have a feeling it might be a little bit faster. Disadvantage is no room for fatter tires. Rinzler touring pro is a very interesting bike, the manufacturer is able to do some pretty amazing tricks with it. But almost no users outside Russia, and it's heavy (around 21 kg)...

Pistosuojattu sisällöntuottaja
Viestit: 3872
Liittynyt: 14 Heinä 2010, 12:38
Paikkakunta: Helsinki, Vesala

Re: Talvipyöräily

Viesti Kirjoittaja Wacky »

So the options with pictures so everyone knows what we're comparing:
A) Azub Max, limited to about 57 mm tyre width which is the bikes main draw back as far as I know
Weight balance is around 45-55 (front-rear, with luggage adding to rear)

B) Specbike Extrim, I know you can get it with forks for upto 80 mm tyres as I've got 70 mm tyres on mine. Going much wider than 80 mm on tyres is totally possible, but I doubt you would find it very useful as it has suspension. This bike is pretty tall and won't be great for shorter riders, but can be used.
Weight balance is around 45-55 (front-rear, with luggage adding to rear)

C) Flux S-Max, lighter and maybe faster than others (I doubt there is much difference in speed when built with same components)
Weight balance guestimated at around 45-55 (front-rear, with luggage adding to rear)
(Under seat steer picture, but I'm sure you can get it with what ever steering you like)

D) Rinzler Touring PRO, not much information available, apparently a bit on heavy side
Weight balance looks quite rear weighted, maybe around 25-75 (front-rear)

Pistosuojattu sisällöntuottaja
Viestit: 13840
Liittynyt: 15 Syys 2006, 19:00
Paikkakunta: Tampere, Petsamo

Re: Talvipyöräily

Viesti Kirjoittaja jori »

Thanks a lot Wacky for the pictures and analysis! That is why we have this forum –to make the lives of others easier.:D


On se kumma hyypiö tämä ihminen.
Kun kerran omaksuu tietyn käsityksen ja asenteen jostain asiasta, tulee aivan kuuroksi ja sokeaksi todisteille, jotka kumoaisivat nuo käsitykset, ja varsinkin unohtaa ne. - Sakari Holma

Viestit: 1272
Liittynyt: 23 Huhti 2014, 21:46
Paikkakunta: Kälviä

Re: Talvipyöräily

Viesti Kirjoittaja Saukki »

Azub Max has got little update recently. According to Azub blog, it has new rear fork with room up to 57 mm tyres. The improvement is only few millimeters, but I guess it helps. At least you can use most of the regular MTB tyres.

https://azub.eu/what-makes-a-good-recum ... tain-bike/

Kaikki linkit
Quatrevelo, Azub Max 26"

"Käläviällä on vain hulluja ja pyöräilijöitä." -Paikallinen sanonta

Pistosuojattu sisällöntuottaja
Viestit: 3872
Liittynyt: 14 Heinä 2010, 12:38
Paikkakunta: Helsinki, Vesala

Re: Talvipyöräily

Viesti Kirjoittaja Wacky »

Saukki kirjoitti: 10 Tammi 2021, 14:37

Azub Max has got little update recently. According to Azub blog, it has new rear fork with room up to 57 mm tyres. The improvement is only few millimeters, but I guess it helps. At least you can use most of the regular MTB tyres.

https://azub.eu/what-makes-a-good-recum ... tain-bike/

Nice to hear they've finally understood the "big" problem with the rear fork they were using earlier.

Viestit: 1272
Liittynyt: 23 Huhti 2014, 21:46
Paikkakunta: Kälviä

Re: Talvipyöräily

Viesti Kirjoittaja Saukki »

Wacky kirjoitti:
Saukki kirjoitti: 10 Tammi 2021, 14:37

Azub Max has got little update recently. According to Azub blog, it has new rear fork with room up to 57 mm tyres. The improvement is only few millimeters, but I guess it helps. At least you can use most of the regular MTB tyres.

https://azub.eu/what-makes-a-good-recum ... tain-bike/

Nice to hear they've finally understood the "big" problem with the rear fork they were using earlier.

They have watched enough of my videos complaining about it Kuva

Kaikki linkit
Quatrevelo, Azub Max 26"

"Käläviällä on vain hulluja ja pyöräilijöitä." -Paikallinen sanonta

Viestit: 10
Liittynyt: 16 Loka 2020, 01:57

Re: Talvipyöräily

Viesti Kirjoittaja oivavoi »

Wacky kirjoitti: 10 Tammi 2021, 14:26

So the options with pictures so everyone knows what we're comparing:
A) Azub Max, limited to about 57 mm tyre width which is the bikes main draw back as far as I know
Weight balance is around 45-55 (front-rear, with luggage adding to rear)

B) Specbike Extrim, I know you can get it with forks for upto 80 mm tyres as I've got 70 mm tyres on mine. Going much wider than 80 mm on tyres is totally possible, but I doubt you would find it very useful as it has suspension. This bike is pretty tall and won't be great for shorter riders, but can be used.
Weight balance is around 45-55 (front-rear, with luggage adding to rear)

C) Flux S-Max, lighter and maybe faster than others (I doubt there is much difference in speed when built with same components)
Weight balance guestimated at around 45-55 (front-rear, with luggage adding to rear)

(Under seat steer picture, but I'm sure you can get it with what ever steering you like)

D) Rinzler Touring PRO, not much information available, apparently a bit on heavy side
Weight balance looks quite rear weighted, maybe around 25-75 (front-rear)

Thanks Wacky, that's a really useful comparison!

Concerning the Rinzler Touring Pro, no there's almost no information available, in English at least. Seems to be a young manufacturer who's been mainly selling domestically in Russia so far. They only have a fb-page, an ebay page, and lots of videos. It is indeed very rear heavy, but I think it's part of the design idea. Using side handles one can actually lift up the front and back wheel just like on an upright MTB. Here's a video I found very impressive:
The question for me is whether the unusual design makes it possible to go through mud and slush without sliding the front wheel out, or whether that's still difficult. On my Lightning P-38 I have reclined the seat as far back as I can, so my unscientific guess is that the weight balance is about 40-60 front-rear.

On the Flux S-max, yes difficult to say whether it's indeed faster. This is only based on what I've picked up from the German velomobile forum. Those who use it seem to perceive it as a relatively fast bike, and I've never heard the same thing said about the Azub Max for example... Might of course simply be due to the fact that it comes stock with more narrow wheels and a more reclined seat, so air resistance goes down (OR there might be less power loss in the frame and suspension, somehow).

Right now I'm leaning slightly towards the Extrim. I read Honza's blog post about using smaller wheels for offroad, and he may be right. But for snow and slush I think it's hard to beat larger wheels.

Can I ask why you chose 27.5 instead of 29? To get a bit lower? I'm 185 and have average leg length (not particularly long and not particularly short for my height), I have yet to measure my x-seam properly. Might perhaps be a good idea to keep it to 27.5 for me as well. I emailed Vladimir about the Extrim, and he's 175 or so and rides 29... But he admitted that he tried to find routes with few stops when he used it in city traffic.

Viestit: 10
Liittynyt: 16 Loka 2020, 01:57

Re: Talvipyöräily

Viesti Kirjoittaja oivavoi »

Another thing about the Azub Max vs the Specbike Extrim is that the Max seems to have a somewhat higher bottom bracket. I'm not completely sure, but it seems that way from the Sauki's and Richard's and Vladimir's videos at least :) The P-38 has taught me that I like a bottom bracket that doesn't make me pedal too high up in the air. So a small point there for the Extrim, and the Flux S-max. Others may like a higher bottom bracket. But haven't tried any of these bikes of course, so difficult to say...

Pistosuojattu sisällöntuottaja
Viestit: 3872
Liittynyt: 14 Heinä 2010, 12:38
Paikkakunta: Helsinki, Vesala

Re: Talvipyöräily

Viesti Kirjoittaja Wacky »

oivavoi kirjoitti: 10 Tammi 2021, 17:50

Can I ask why you chose 27.5 instead of 29? To get a bit lower? I'm 185 and have average leg length (not particularly long and not particularly short for my height), I have yet to measure my x-seam properly. Might perhaps be a good idea to keep it to 27.5 for me as well. I emailed Vladimir about the Extrim, and he's 175 or so and rides 29... But he admitted that he tried to find routes with few stops when he used it in city traffic.

I had chosen to use 27.5 earlier on a fat recumbent as summer tyres with semi slicks and decided to continue with the size. I also used my earlier 170 mm rear hub. So my chose was based on what I already had as I bought my bike as a frame kit.
I'm about 180 tall with pretty long legs for my height and I wouldn't really want the bike any taller than it is as most of the times I've fallen over with that bike is because my foot has slipped when stopping, but this can be something that might not bother you as you may be more flexible than me :mrgreen:
The tyre selection is better with 29" if you're looking for touring type tyres for the summer, but other than that I don't see any draw back in using slightly smaller wheels.

Viestit: 10
Liittynyt: 16 Loka 2020, 01:57

Re: Talvipyöräily

Viesti Kirjoittaja oivavoi »

Wacky kirjoitti: 12 Tammi 2021, 05:43

I had chosen to use 27.5 earlier on a fat recumbent as summer tyres with semi slicks and decided to continue with the size. I also used my earlier 170 mm rear hub. So my chose was based on what I already had as I bought my bike as a frame kit.
I'm about 180 tall with pretty long legs for my height and I wouldn't really want the bike any taller than it is as most of the times I've fallen over with that bike is because my foot has slipped when stopping, but this can be something that might not bother you as you may be more flexible than me :mrgreen:
The tyre selection is better with 29" if you're looking for touring type tyres for the summer, but other than that I don't see any draw back in using slightly smaller wheels.

Thank you very much! Sounds like a good idea to go for the 27.5 wheels then, if I go for the Extrim.

Pistosuojattu sisällöntuottaja
Viestit: 3872
Liittynyt: 14 Heinä 2010, 12:38
Paikkakunta: Helsinki, Vesala

Re: Talvipyöräily

Viesti Kirjoittaja Wacky »

Today I got to ride home after a blizzard had passed through. The picture was from about of the worst bit. That was just about ride able, but extremely difficult.
Quite a bit of trampled single track which is bumpy, but quite easy to ride.

Pistosuojattu sisällöntuottaja
Viestit: 4676
Liittynyt: 24 Elo 2008, 11:33
Paikkakunta: Pohjois-Helsinki

Re: Talvipyöräily

Viesti Kirjoittaja janx »

Mistä te täällä keskustelette. Eihän talvipyöräilyä ole olemassakaan... ;)

"“Pyöräilyfanaatikkokin vaihtaa susiturkkiin“ – Kärnä ihmettelee, mihin työmatkapyöräilyn kannattajat ovat kadonneet"
https://www.suomenmaa.fi/uutiset/pyorai ... kadonneet/

"The haters gonna hate and the lovers gonna love. I just lean back and ride." -janx (Kotisivut)
CLWB2008c (09-12), Nazca ePaseo (06/12-), 20/26 SWB Fenix (08/17-) & Spectri (03/19-)
Keskustelukanavat - #recumbents:matrix.org ja #nojapyorat:matrix.org

Pistosuojattu sisällöntuottaja
Viestit: 3614
Liittynyt: 09 Huhti 2010, 16:02
Paikkakunta: Lahden perämetsä

Re: Talvipyöräily

Viesti Kirjoittaja terppa »


Ihan kun äskettäin olisin lukenut jotain poliisin tiedotetta jossa kehotetaan jättämään auto kotiin ja pitämään etätyöpäivä 🤔

Läskipyörällä kuvan tietä pääsi, toinen vaihtoehto olisi traktori, autolla turha uneksiakaan. Kärnän äänestäjillä tietysti on se traktori.

Linja-autopysäkille on matkaa 2 km, samoin junaradalle mutta se kerran päivässä menevä puujuna ei pysähdy eikä helikopteriin riitä rahat niin mun vajavaisela järjellä ajatellen parempaa kulkinetta kuin pyörä ei ole :mrgreen:

Nojasyklismiä vuodesta 2010

"Nojapyöräily on parasta mitä voi tehdä housut jalassa mutta kinnerillä voi ajaa myös ilman housuja"

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.

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