Kuinka monta kinneria voisimme olla TdH:ssä 2013?

Haaveiletko kokoontumisesta muiden harrastajien kesken? Ota selvää missä tapahtuu tai ota aloite omaan käteen!
Viestit: 33
Liittynyt: 09 Huhti 2012, 20:52
Paikkakunta: Viikki, Helsinki

Kuinka monta kinneria voisimme olla TdH:ssä 2013?

Viesti Kirjoittaja Pieter »

I'm sure we could be at least 10 velomobiles this year. Would ten velomobiles in one Finnish event be a historical post-war record?

Who would perhaps come by velomobile? Here a preliminary list of people I have talked to:

Kuka tulee kinnerilla TdH 2013? Ja kuka tulee nojakilla?

  • Petri (white Waw from VeloCraft)
  • Fredrich (yellow Waw or QuestXS, VC)
  • Tapio (Mango, VC)
  • Pieter or someone else (Strada, VC)
  • Unknown (yellow Waw or QuestXS, VC)
  • VeloWagon (Mango alias Oopperamopiili)
  • TMS (Strada)
  • Terppa (Mango Sport Yellow Edition)

There's at least a handful of others I could imagine will come, and another handful that could perhaps be convinced if there is enough others coming.

And how about other recumbent riders?

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Re: Kuinka monta kinneria voisimme olla TdH:ssä 2013?

Viesti Kirjoittaja tm »

I promised to Pieter, that if I bought a Mango, I'll come in TdH.

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Viestit: 5163
Liittynyt: 05 Loka 2007, 03:00
Paikkakunta: Nokia

Re: Kuinka monta kinneria voisimme olla TdH:ssä 2013?

Viesti Kirjoittaja tm »

How about eemeli, are you coming?

Viestit: 434
Liittynyt: 18 Helmi 2012, 12:44

Re: Kuinka monta kinneria voisimme olla TdH:ssä 2013?

Viesti Kirjoittaja MikaL »

If you need a rider for one of your velomobiles, I could consider. This is not a promise, but I could seriously consider.

MetaPhrastic 2012

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Viestit: 3937
Liittynyt: 14 Heinä 2010, 12:38
Paikkakunta: Helsinki, Vesala

Re: Kuinka monta kinneria voisimme olla TdH:ssä 2013?

Viesti Kirjoittaja Wacky »

Velowagon cannot make it this year, I've already asked him.
I'll ask eemeli tomorrow as he is over here in estonia on the ecotrip.

Edit: I didn't read thd topic properly :D I don't know if Velowagon is comming and Eemeli hasn't decided yet

Viimeksi muokannut Wacky, 21 Heinä 2013, 07:18. Yhteensä muokattu 2 kertaa.
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Viestit: 992
Liittynyt: 17 Kesä 2008, 09:34
Paikkakunta: Kirkkonummi

Re: Kuinka monta kinneria voisimme olla TdH:ssä 2013?

Viesti Kirjoittaja TMS »

Also my plans have changed as last week it cleared that I will move to Kirkkonummi on the Tour de Helsinki weekend. So I'm not able to participate which is a pity.

Viestit: 216
Liittynyt: 25 Maalis 2013, 23:17
Paikkakunta: Vantaa

Re: Kuinka monta kinneria voisimme olla TdH:ssä 2013?

Viesti Kirjoittaja VeloWagon »

I'll be there! Wacky probably mistook the topic meaning Nokia event in my case(to which I can't participate unfortunately).

Yes, let's reach for ten velomobiles! I guess the record for most velomobiles in one place in Finland is seven at the moment.

Pieter kirjoitti:

Would ten velomobiles in one Finnish event be a historical post-war record?

Umm...what is the pre-war record?

Mango tour 2013 (kolaroitu käyttökelvottomaksi 2016), Bakfiets laatikkopyörä 2011, Basso Reef kilpapyörä 2008

Viestit: 33
Liittynyt: 09 Huhti 2012, 20:52
Paikkakunta: Viikki, Helsinki

Re: Kuinka monta kinneria voisimme olla TdH:ssä 2013?

Viesti Kirjoittaja Pieter »

Great that VeloWagon can make it after all! I've got also confirmed that Eemeli wil be there. Curious still about for example Ajarmala? 10 participants will be tight, but at least we'll be close to it.

Umm...what is the pre-war record?

No idea, probably not very much either but might have been more than seven. Besides, I might have been a bit wrong in the timing: it seems the heydays of velomobiles were just after the war rather than before. More information for example in this article: http://www.saunalahti.fi/~dvinci/finnishvelocars.pdf

Viestit: 216
Liittynyt: 25 Maalis 2013, 23:17
Paikkakunta: Vantaa

Re: Kuinka monta kinneria voisimme olla TdH:ssä 2013?

Viesti Kirjoittaja VeloWagon »

Pieter kirjoitti:

Besides, I might have been a bit wrong in the timing: it seems the heydays of velomobiles were just after the war rather than before.

That is pretty much what I've heard all around Finland this summer. Kinneri was a suprisingly common building project among youngsters in the 40's and 50's untill the arrival of mopeds which pretty much stopped the need to innovate and turned the kids to the dark side for decades. We can only imagine what kind of human powered vehicles we would be using today if the development had not changed its course. :shock:

Mango tour 2013 (kolaroitu käyttökelvottomaksi 2016), Bakfiets laatikkopyörä 2011, Basso Reef kilpapyörä 2008

Viestit: 33
Liittynyt: 09 Huhti 2012, 20:52
Paikkakunta: Viikki, Helsinki

Re: Kuinka monta kinneria voisimme olla TdH:ssä 2013?

Viesti Kirjoittaja Pieter »

This is getting off topic, but I have been wondering if it was indeed common to build a kinneri, or just very 'popular/mediatised' in those days. Besides, those kids on the dark side haven't contributed that much on mopo-development anyway, they have probably been doing just the same illegal operations on their vehicles for the past 60 years :wink: . No way that those pest youngsters would do something similarly cool with their mopo as Allert Jacobs from velomobiel.nl did:

Viestit: 1690
Liittynyt: 14 Maalis 2008, 13:50
Paikkakunta: Oulunsalo

Re: Kuinka monta kinneria voisimme olla TdH:ssä 2013?

Viesti Kirjoittaja Mustasudenkorento »

Pieter kirjoitti:

This is getting off topic, but I have been wondering if it was indeed common to build a kinneri, or just very 'popular/mediatised' in those days. Besides, those kids on the dark side haven't contributed that much on mopo-development anyway, they have probably been doing just the same illegal operations on their vehicles for the past 60 years :wink: . No way that those pest youngsters would do something similarly cool with their mopo as Allert Jacobs from velomobiel.nl did:

:D Thats a nice ride Allert has made...
It would be intresting to see what the Finish inspection people would have to say about that :lol:

Vastatuuli vihaa meitä... tahtoo alemmas....

Pistosuojattu sisällöntuottaja
Viestit: 5163
Liittynyt: 05 Loka 2007, 03:00
Paikkakunta: Nokia

Re: Kuinka monta kinneria voisimme olla TdH:ssä 2013?

Viesti Kirjoittaja tm »

Enrolment done.

Pistosuojattu sisällöntuottaja
Viestit: 3937
Liittynyt: 14 Heinä 2010, 12:38
Paikkakunta: Helsinki, Vesala

Re: Kuinka monta kinneria voisimme olla TdH:ssä 2013?

Viesti Kirjoittaja Wacky »

Pieter kirjoitti:

This is getting off topic, but I have been wondering if it was indeed common to build a kinneri, or just very 'popular/mediatised' in those days. Besides, those kids on the dark side haven't contributed that much on mopo-development anyway, they have probably been doing just the same illegal operations on their vehicles for the past 60 years :wink: . No way that those pest youngsters would do something similarly cool with their mopo as Allert Jacobs from velomobiel.nl did:

In Finland you might be allowed do that to a mopo, but it doesn't help with the 45 km/h limited top speed which you can reach with a regular velomobile, so what would the point be to do that?

Viestit: 33
Liittynyt: 09 Huhti 2012, 20:52
Paikkakunta: Viikki, Helsinki

Re: Kuinka monta kinneria voisimme olla TdH:ssä 2013?

Viesti Kirjoittaja Pieter »

In Finland you might be allowed do that to a mopo, but it doesn't help with the 45 km/h limited top speed which you can reach with a regular velomobile, so what would the point be to do that?

You mean there is no point even in a modified mopo, when there are velomobiles existing? I probably agree :)
However, you could do those modifications to a motorcycle also, then you can be faster than a velomobile but consume half the amount of fuel you would otherwise burn. Isn't the vehicle from Arjen a motorcycle, btw?

Enrolment done.

Great!! That was quite a quick healing process? So now we're eight kind of confirmed velonauts.

Pistosuojattu sisällöntuottaja
Viestit: 5163
Liittynyt: 05 Loka 2007, 03:00
Paikkakunta: Nokia

Re: Kuinka monta kinneria voisimme olla TdH:ssä 2013?

Viesti Kirjoittaja tm »

Pieter kirjoitti:

Great!! That was quite a quick healing process? So now we're eight kind of confirmed velonauts.

Actually my heel isn't fine yet, but there is still almost two weeks left. I hope that's enough :) .

Vastaa Viestiin